Day Seven – a man alone …..

You know sometimes when you do one thing and EVERYONE else does something else and you question why ? Well that is how Robert is feeling right now.

On leg 3, the riders seem to have split into 4 groups. Three of those groups have gone their own 3 separate directions and are more or less of equal numbers. And then there is the “solitary wolf”, going in a totally different direction to any of the other groups – a man on his own. Time will tell if Robert is a genius or a dumbass !!

I have to say, given what he’s told me about leg 3 (and assuming he’s not missed something obvious), it’s what i would have done. Sometimes you fine high points in the most unusual of circumstances …

So, what else happened on Day 7 ? Well, he screwed up with one bonus in his planning – he had marked it as a “daylight” when in fact it was a “restricted” bonus. He reckons though that it shouldn’t be too much of a disaster though.

Oh and for the first time in his riding in the USA, he got pulled by the police (for speeding). What a lightweight – I got stopped THREE times just on my 2011 IBR ride (although I guess as much out of sympathy that anything)

Anyway, fortunately for Robert he was just let of with a warning.

And for the first time, he is now considering the possibility of finishing and is hopeful (but not yet confident) of a “Gold Medal” finish. In fairness and I know that some have been speculating of perhaps a top ten finish, Robert is very doubtful that can be achieved.

If you look at the Day 7 report on the official site (link below), he’s made the picture :

Day 07 – Main Course

So, a little more of Roberts plan for leg 3 …..

From Denver, he headed north for a while before turning east and heading for San Francisco. He’s resting here overnight before heading south down to San Francisco on day 8 and then, unfortunately back then west again across the Mojave. Let’s hope that the weather is kinder to him this time.

Mmmmm …. that last line reminds me of a German/English joke :

Who are the more generous of German and English children ? Well as generous as the English children are, the Germans will always be kinder ……

I’ll get my coat …..

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