Day six – Leg 2 completed

Apart from a “f*uck up” when he forgot to make the call in bonus, day 3 of leg two (day 6 of the rally) went well.

During the night between day five and day six, he was riding in the Rocky Mountains – quite a contrast to the previous two days of desert.  For the last 15 miles to his scheduled overnight stay, he had to stop and put on warmer gear because the temperature had dropped to 6°.

After four hours he left again the motel knowing that he still had to do another 600 miles. He had one hour of buffer but an open road. The speed limit was increased to 80 mph which meant that he could coast nicely at about 99 mph – Naughty !!!!

He tells me it was quite cold and the temperature hit a low on this rally of minus 2° – as I say, quite a contrast ……

He had one small “fuel range” scare – he was checking how far the next fuel station would be and the GPS told him it was in about 100 miles but the computer of the motorbike told him that my range was also about 100 miles. He had to slow down and to save fuel until I was safe to actually reach the station.

As he was making good time he knew that he would make it to Denver in time. He visited another restaurant bonus point location and arrived Denver right on time and luckily found that the BMW dealer where he had the service scheduled was actually right opposite of the checkpoint hotel. Somehow he’d misjudged exactly where the dealer was – very un-German like  !!  I would strongly suggest a DNA test when he returns home to ensure that his German parents were really his biological parents and that he wasn’t adopted ……

By 5 o’clock I could roll out the garage with new tyres fresh motor oil and filter – a perfect service from BMW of Denver.

He checked in very early and he had his papers already prepared for scoring  He believes that he lost no points at the scoring table

He suspects leg three will take him first to the north-west of the US.

Now he is resting.  Leg 3, the five day leg will require a ride on a minimum of 4000 miles and possibly (probably) more ……

I guess you’ll also notice that this report is a little more detailed than my previous ones.  I have reconsidered what I can and can’t write and still comply with the social media rules on the IBR.  It’s a case of me doing exactly what you should do on IBA rallies – “Improvise, adapt, overcome”

I think that I am still inside the rules …..

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