European End-to-end (Day -5/Day -4/Day -3)

After a boring videoconference day, I set off at 4 p.m., direction east. Passing several traffic jams, I maintained a good pace thanks to the wind from the back.

XBR500 ready to rock ‘n roll.

My auxiliary tank worked just fine and after 328 km, I had to switch to the normal tank. This should give me a fuel range of over 700 km, more than enough for the trip. I was impressed by the protection of the new windshield and the tablet also worked smoothly. In cases of unexpected traffic, it can provide faster alternative routes. This could become important as fellow IBA rider Ralf, who went to the North Cape before the Ride to Eat, reported of lots of very slow road works along the E4, the long road that crossed Sweden North-South.

In the end I arrived already after four hours in the city of Peine without any stop, filled up and checked into the hotel. As it is close to the motorway, breakfast is already served at 6:30 a.m., promising an early start. The weather looks ok, not too warm. If predictions are correct, it could get very wet up in Finland, we’ll see about that.

On the next day, I started a bit later than I had hoped for (7:25), it would be a long day, about 1200 km. It went eastwards on the A2 towards Berlin and the border. Today I had to ensure a series of traffic jams in Germany and Poland that slowed me down, although I regained some time by rigorously using the hard shoulder. I noticed a permanent smell of hot oil that I had already noticed yesterday. I spotted oil between the cylinder and the carburetor, although I had no clue where it would come from. I also noticed that I had lost my right side cover…I stopped at a petrol station and checked the oil level….normal consumption. I suspected the crankcase breather…but the tube seemed to be in place? I filled up and continued. I crossed into Poland and maintained my speed at 120 – 125 km/h, a good XBR pace. After a total 660 km, I stopped again as the oil fumes annoyed me. Oil level was ok, I put on my working cloves and had a closer look….and spotteed the problem. The tube placed on the crankcase breather actually is composed of an outer and inner tube and apparently I had ripped them apart when I installed the new fuel lines. It took some jerking and swearing until I had fixed the problem that had already made me wonder if I could continue the trip as planned. An oil leak is a serious problem. But everything was back to normal, no more fumes in my nose.

The culprit. Put back together, no more oil fumes.

Around Warsaw I was slowed down by traffic but when I rode on the new highway to the northeast, I could go on my own pace again. As my tablet showed me some upcoming thunderstorms, I put on my rain gear early and when I reached the Lithuanian border, I also needed it.

As Lithuania has Eastern European time, the clock jumped forward one hour and my ETA jumped to 9:30 p.m. Probably too late to get some food in the hotel. With 15 min to go, I filled up and had two large sandwiches, rider and steed were sufficiently nourished. I checked into the hotel, not without noticing that I had lost one of the screws of the aux tank base…this means I have to find a DIY shop tomorrow, hmph. The distance is not so large, but now there are no more dual carriageways, let the overtaking begin.

I set off at 7:20 in Kaunas in dry weather, heading for a DIY market in Riga, along the route, but 260 km away. I wanted to buy a screw for the tank plate, some oil and batteries. It was only a normal road, but little traffic and I could make up a lot of time.

After two hours, I closed up to two motorbikers that turned out to be Arjen and Filip. They also want to do the big trip like me, albeit on big, modern bikes. They had been behind me yesterday and narrowly caught up with me. But now I had caught up with them. Me made a quick stop where I realised that the screw was still laying on top of the pannier in the cavity of the grips! I screwed it back in with the help of some locktite.

After the chat, I continued my ride towards Riga with Filip riding with me; we would be riding together the whole day. I stopped at the enormous market where I tried to find all items. I returned to the bike to find the screw again in the cavity. So I went back in and got me a longer screw that I used with a nut to counter the screw; now I won’t lose it anymore. I also bought some motorbike oil, maybe I’ll need it.

We left sunny RIga and heade north-east. The roads are in good condition with little traffic, so the average speed was high and we could make up some time.

When we had enough time saved, we permitted us a lunch break in a bistro next to the road. The braised beef was very tasty and very cheap. We chatted with some German riders and set off after an Illy espresso. The lunch break was the right choice, we just missed the hailstorm and only got some spray from the road. We still made good progress and after a short stop and picture at the Estonian border (my first visit!) we headed for Tartu and went 50 km north to the picture and meeting place where we arrived with 30 min to spare, enough time for some chats.

We went back to Tartu to the hotel where I filled up the bike after 630 km, topped up the oil and the chain lubricant. This is a cute, cosy hotel and now I’m ready (after a much deserved shower) to go down to have some dinner.

Tomorrow, the plan is to cross most of Finland.

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